MUSEUM OF A WOMAN Montenegro / МУЗЕЙ ЖЕНЩИНЫ, Черногория
On November 27, the Art Gallery of Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, held my personal exhibition titled The Museum of the Woman, which formed a unique presentation of the future real Museum of the Woman, a visual version of the concept of the Museum.
Besides myself, my colleagues, Art Dukley Community residents Evgenia Chaikovskaya, Oksana Chepelik, Andrei Bazyuta and Yuri Muravitsky, Mikhail Aleksandrov, Alex Roff, Ekaterina Sisfontes, and others took part in it. Petar Ćuković was the curator of the exhibition.
Mission and goals: The Museum of the Woman will not be just another venue for the struggle for women rights and self-assertion. It proposes an agenda for a new life, more perfect and humane than the current one. The Museum may provide a model of this new lifestyle. Such a positive agenda will make the Museum a sustainable social organism and an innovative institution.
- The Museum will expose an extensive strata of the public to the achievements of women, enhance women’s self-awareness; develop the theory of gender relations – a new sphere in art associated with the arrival of the woman and the awareness of gender roles, detecting the traits and specifics of female experience and female language;
- The museum will be involved in the development of new trends in contemporary (post-media) art (the theories of Neosyncretism and others) on the boundary between different media, between art and science;
- Fight for the rights of women and children, for the LGBT communities and everybody suffering from violence and discrimination;
- Create the models of new relations and new society built on the principles of non-violence, respect to life in all its manifestations (the ecology of the planet, restoration of the natural fertility of soil and eco settlement, species specific diet, extension of human capabilities, healthy lifestyle, the abolition of natural selection for human beings, longer youth, etc.).
The human civilization will become humane or perish in the forthcoming époque. It doesn’t matter whether we want it or not, the process of gaining awareness to make the society humane is an objective phenomenon. Life is the top priority in the female scale of values. Today it is the woman who gains the leading position in the humanization of culture and the society as a whole. We are able to speed up this process of heading civilization to new values, making it conscious and structured. This is the main mission of the Museum of the Woman.
That is the reason why we not only reject the old order, destroy stereotypes, fight against discrimination and violence, we are an experimental zone, a laboratory for the creation of new models of art, of the new lifestyle for the human society and the planet as a whole.
- Gender research, new theories and practices of contemporary art – exhibitions, symposia, roundtables, conferences, publication of article collections, festivals, residence programs for female artists and writers; a virtual Museum of the Woman and, possibly, in due time, a film studio and film festivals organized by the Museum of the Woman;
- Activism (with the same sections);
- The laboratory of new life (Neosyncretism, ecology, healthy lifestyle) will conduct experiments on adjacent territories involving other arts and sciences, centering on visual arts.
Administrative Structure:
- Coordination council.
- Executive director.
One of the Museum sections is a laboratory. Thus, I put an emphasis on innovative goals. The future Museum may be compared to the institution aiming to study the past and to create the models of the future, to the venue where the process of teaching students (all sorts of courses – master classes and residence programs, in our case) is going on.
Yet, it is precisely a Museum that I have in my mind, and it is not just a collection of feminist art, it is also a museum in that extraordinary, extensive sense proposed by the founder of Russian Cosmism N. F. Fedorov, who saw people and humanity as such as objects of art, exhibits of a colossal museum, where the state is responsible for the custody of them, for their health and eternal life. This idea probably looks as fantastic as it was a hundred years ago (N. F. Fedorov, The Philosophy of the Common Task, 1906–1913), and the state as a structure of any individual country is in no way capable to carry out the bio-policy of N. Fedorov today. But we are able to create a small model of it. We are already able to create spa labs for unique health procedures. The MUSEUM OF THE WOMAN will be a unique mockup of the future.
- New life lab – this is where theoreticians working in the sphere of philosophy, cultural science, contemporary art, healthy lifestyle, gerontology (gene engineering) will be active, different scientific and theoretical events (seminars, conferences, etc.) will take place, real laboratory work and research, master classes – dextrocerebral drawing, various experimental classes aimed to develop creative thinking in children and adults will go on. We shall also pursue the construction of eco settlements, lay out new gardens and recreate living fertile soil (without genetically modified organisms, mineral fertilizers and poisonous chemicals) as it is also a part of our agenda. Environment inspection, Ayurveda, energy practices, etc. will also be a part of our activities.
- Branches of the Museum in different countries will turn into new version models. As N. Fedorov put it, it is enough to cleverly formulate the idea in order to implement it, and that will cover a half of the way to achieving it. The experience of space exploration – swift, from the historical point of view – demonstrates that this approach is true;
- The headquarters of the MUSEUM OF THE WOMAN will be in the Balkans (Montenegro), it will mutate, setting new goals, while the previous ones are solved, helping women from the East, being a venue for experience exchange between the West and the East. Gradually, the Museum will pass from the struggle for women rights to the agenda of the humanization of the society, turning into the center of independent research in the sphere of contemporary art and new lifestyle.
Tania Antoshina.
Nedjelja, 29. novembar 2015.
Izložba radova ruske umjetnice Tatjane Antošine otvorena u galeriji „Art“
Laboratorija u kojoj se stvara novi život
PODGORICA Izložba radova ruske umjetnice Tatjane Antošine, pod nazivom „Muzej žene”, otvorena je preksinoć u galeriji „Art”. Ovaj projekat je neka vrsta prezentacije muzeja femini stičke umjetnosti, tačnije četiri varijante ženskog muzeja u Crnoj Gori, koje podrazumijevaju – muzej o ženama, muzej za žene, muzej koji su napravile žene i feministički muzej. Radovi na izložbi ilustruju osnovne ideje u vezi sa zamišljenim muzejom feminističke i ženske umjetnosti u Crnoj Gori.
– U „Muzeju žene“sve je u skladusa interesima i ukusima žene. Svijet je prikazan sa njene tačke gledišta. Igra sa promjenom rodnih uloga pomaže svakoj ženi da se zamisli nad pitanjem šta ona stvarno hoće i šta su stereotipi koji su joj nametnuti – kazala je umjetnica
–Na otvaranju postavke, koja predstavlja radove osmišljene i nastale tokom boravka umjetnice u okviru redovnog rezidencijalnog programa Dukley European Art Community u Budvi i Kotoru, pored autorke, govorili su i predsjednik Upravnog odbora DEAC-a Marat Geljman i ruska aktivistknija i umjetnica Marija Aljohina, bivša članica grupe „Pussy Riot”.
Nekoliko putanja
-Marat Geljman kazao je da izložba predstavlja vizuelizaciju budućeg muzeja. – Kada smo zamišljali jedan ovakav muzej na početku je bilo osmišljeno da budu četri putanje u njegovoj realizaciji, ali ovdje je vidljivo da će ih biti pet. Prvo što susrijećete je muzej za žene. Ti radovi su urađeni prema prototipovima vrlo poznatih umjetničkih djela. Drugo je muzej o ženama. Tu su velike žene kao modeli za umjetnika, kao neki ljudi koji su dostojni opjevavanja. Treće je muzej koji su napravile žene i on sakuplja umjetnost koju su one napravile. Važno je što je taj dio muzeja sastavljen od radova Tatjane Antošine, a takođe i od radova umjetnika koje je ona pozvala. Četvrti je feministički muzej – kazao je Geljman, dodajući da se peto usmjerenje odnosi na muzej kao institit za prava žena. On je podsjetio da je sa umjetnicom svojevremeno radio izložbu u njegovoj galeriji u Moskvi i predlog ideja muzeja žene izgledao je više kao metafora, slika. – Danas mi se, s obzirom da imam iskustvo i ozbiljnog direktora jednog muzeja, čini da je ovo ne samo metafora, nego realna mogućnost i da muzej žene može biti realizovan – kazao je Geljman.
Bitne su ideje
-Tatjana Antošina nedavno se vratila iz Venecije, gdje se susrijetala sa poznatim umjetnicama. – Govorila sam im o budućem muzeju i sa njihove strane to je bilo ispraćeno iskrenim željama. One su sve spremne da dođu i podrže rodni pokret. Zadovoljna sam što su umjetnici koji su u okviru rezidancijalnog programa DEAC-a podržali ovaj projekat i učestvovali u realizaciji. Na ovoj izložbi, u okviru Feminističkog muzeja, postoji jedna verzija poznatog rada Džudi Čikago „The Dinner Party“. Mi ovdje radimo projekat „The Dinner Party Montenegro”. Za taj sto pozvala sam najpoznatije i najsnažnije umjetnice-feministkinje iz cijelog svijeta, počev od SAD-a. Nadam se da će one naredni put i doći – kazala je ona. Umjetnica zamišlja novi muzej kao buduće mjesto slobode za različite ideje i diskusije. Ona se osvrnula na radove u postavci.
– U Muzeju za žene sve je u skladu sa interesima i ukusima žene. Svijet je prikazan sa njene tačke gledišta. Igra sa promjenom rodnih uloga pomaže svakoj ženi da se zamisli nad pitanjem šta ona stvarno hoće i šta su stereotipi koji su joj nametnuti. Muškarci postoje, ali oni igraju sporednu ulogu – oni su modeli, objekti posmatranja. Žene vladaju. Muzej koji su napravile žene jeste laboratorija u kojoj se projektuje i stvara novi svijet – bez rata i nasilja – na osnovu uzajamnog razumijevanja, saradnje i humanizma – kazala je umjetnica. Bivša članica grupe „Pussy Riot“ Marija Aljohina izrazila je spremnost da učestvuje u realizaciji ovog muzeja i to ne samo kao jedna od žena sa eksponata, već kao liderka i promoterka cijele ideje. Ona smatra da je projekat unikatan i važan.
-Feminizam i uopšte rodni pokret jeste nešto što može ujedinjvavati međunarodnu saradnju – smatra ona.
Slijedi predstavljanje na Festivalu ženske kulture„ Muzej žene“, kako je najavila umjetnica, biće predstavljen na Festivalu ženske kulture koji će u maju naredne godine biti održan u Crnoj Gori. – Mislim da će to biti u Budvi, Kotoru i najvjerovatnije Podgorici. Bitno je na njemu okupiti ne samo savremene, već i lokalne stvaraoce – one koji prave rukotvorine, pa bi istovremeno napravili sajam tih predmeta. Za mene je najbitnije da što više ljudi učestvuje u ovom festivalu – kazala je Tatjana Antošina.
A. Đ.
U ovom projektu učestvuju umjetnici koji su obuhvaćeni rezidencijalnim programom Dukley European Art Community: Dušica Ivetić, Ekaterina Sisfontes, Evgenija Čajkovska, Oksana Čepelik, Aleks Roff i Andrij Bazjuta. Instalacija “Svečana večera, Crna Gora” simbolizuje ovu saradnju.