MUSEUM OF A WOMAN opens season:
- From June 13, 2018 to September 15, 2018 exhibition “Women at Work: Subverting the Feminine in Post-Soviet Russia” in White Space Gallery, London;
Women at Work: Subverting the Feminine in Post-Soviet Russia
Interview with Igor Grebelnikov for the London exhibition:
- The largest fine arts festival in Asia, the “18-th ASIAN ART BIENNALE BANGLADESH 2018” will begin at the National Art Gallery of Bangladesh, Shilpakala Academy (BSA). From September 1 and end on the 30th of the month;
- From Non-Conformism to Feminisms: Russian Women Artists from the Kolodzei Art Foundation at the Museum of Russian Art (TMORA), 5500 Stevens Ave S. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55419, September 15, 2018 – February 10, 2019.